Creating a Homeschooling Curriculum: Considerations & Flexibility
With the adoption of school choice in Florida last year, an increasing number of parents now have the financial ability to homeschool their children if this is their desire. School choice allows a parent to apply to have the funds earmarked for their child’s public school education redirected to a voucher for...
Can Parents Homeschool a Child With Special Needs?
Being the parent of a child with special needs can be both a challenging and rewarding experience. It is challenging since the education of a child with special needs requires additional time, money, and effort. You have probably seen that your child may take longer to grasp a subject or require...
Homeschooling 101: Understanding Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities
Florida law protects and promotes parental rights, including your right to decide how your child is educated. This right also covers homeschooling your child, provided you meet the state’s requirements.
If you are considering homeschooling your child in Florida, it is important to understand what legal rights and...